This week, I’m sharing some thoughts on Thanksgiving, and having an attitude of gratitude rather than an attitude of entitlement.
I’ve also got some suggestions for things to do that will help cultivate the values of the holiday – family, togetherness, and what we can do for and with each other.
Listen to “Ep. 38 – Attitude of Gratitude” on Spreaker.
Try out some new – or some old – traditions this year. Whether it’s a Black Friday round of shopping local stores or a game of Yahtzee with Aunt Pearl, find time to spend with your loved ones.
Don’t forget to drop by the Brambleberry Meadow, for a free apron pattern.
As an extra tweet, I also give you Bing Crosby and Rosemary Clooney singing “Counting Your Blessings.”
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Episode Transcript: