This week I got to sit down and chat with Allie Faden of Positively Probiotic. Listen as we discuss everything from heirloom dairy cultures to water kefir to sourdough starters and scobys. How to use them, how to store them, and why she abuses hers.
I do apologize for some of the audio quality. I was away from home when I recorded, and did what I could to clean out the buzz present in Allie’s line. If you can stick it out for the first 15 minutes, I promise it gets much better.
Listen to “Ep. 52: More Culture – Interview with Allie Faden of Positively Probiotic” on Spreaker.
Don’t forget to go visit Positively Probiotic to get all your cultures. I’ve currently got mother cultures of their Heirloom French, Argentinian, Bollnasfil, Swedish Culture Sweet Cream, and Halsofil in my fridge. And we’re not even going to talk about what’s in the freezer just now.
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