Ep. 113 – Think Small

Let's muse today on trying to escape the clutches of coporatized consumerist culture and live lives on a human scale. Listen to "EP. 113 - Think Small" on Spreaker. Farmhouse Fabrics Barnyard Knits Be cautious…Listen to the Episode

Ep. 112 – Back to the Grind

A discussion of mills, some history, some typology, and some thoughts on baking with freshly milled flours. Listen to "Ep. 112 - Back to the Grind" on Spreaker. Westwind Milling Co. Janie's Mill Grainmaker Mill…Listen to the Episode

Ep. 111 – Rewild Yourself

Make room in your life for wild things. And reconnect with them yourself. It's not just about "touching grass," it's about touching reality. Listen to "Ep. 111 - Rewild Yourself" on Spreaker. Native Michigan Grasses…Listen to the Episode

Ep. 108 – Our Daily Bread

This week, we'll cover a brief history of the oven, and how we've returned to a love for wood-fired baking. Below, you'll find some resources to help you out if you're interested in building and…Listen to the Episode